The MeetBit Public API has a standard response format and standard response status codes. This page will guide you through those as well as common errors you may encounter.

Response Format

The MeetBit Public API usually wraps resource objects returned in responses in a base response format.

200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
  "message": "Successfully fetched User.",
  "data": { "id": 123 }

A short response message


The resource object/s returned

Response Codes

We follow RFC 9110 in using HTTP status codes to indicate success or failure of your requests.

In general, 2xx HTTP codes correspond to success, 4xx codes are for client-side errors, and 5xx codes are for server-side issues.

Status CodeDescription
200Successful request.
202Successful request without content in response.
400Invalid input parameters.
401Invalid access key or permissions.
404Resource not found.
429Rate limit exceeded.
500Server error.

Common Errors

Validation Error

This error is returned when the request parameter/s are invalid or malformed.

400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/json
  "message": "The first_name field must not be greater than 255 characters. (and 1 more error)",
  "errors": {
    "first_name": [
      "The first_name field must not be greater than 255 characters."
    "email": [
      "The email field is required."

A short response message


If encountered, inspect the response body for the errors thrown. The response body will have an errors object with keys that correspond to input fields. Each key’s value is an array of strings describing the errors encountered in validating that field.

Resource Object Not Found

This error is returned when the specified resource object is not found.

404 Not Found
Content-Type: text/plain
Resource object does not exist.

If encountered, verify that the resource object does infact exist.

Unauthenticated Error

This error is returned when the request has invalid or is missing access keys.

401 Unauthorized
Content-Type: text/plain
Invalid or missing access keys.

If encountered, verify that the Access Key ID and Secret were attached to the request headers as indicated in Authentication & Authorization. If these are attached, verify that the values are valid.

Unauthorized Error

This error is returned when the Client does not have the necessary permissions to perform the action.

401 Unauthorized
Content-Type: text/plain
Access denied.

If encountered, verify that the Role of your Access Key’s Client was granted with the necessary permissions.

Rate Limited Error

This error is returned when the rate limit has been exceeded.

429 Too Many Requests
Content-Type: text/plain
Retry-After: 60
Too many requests.

Number of seconds to wait before making another request.

If encountered, handle this error by following the instructions indicated in Rate Limiting.

Server Error

This error is returned when an unexpected error has been encountered on the server.

500 Internal Server Error
Content-Type: text/plain
An unexpected error occurred.

If encountered, handle this error by reporting the issue as indicated in Tracking Errors.