No system is perfect and errors are bound to occur. We use request and process IDs to tag each request and inspect them for issues later on. These IDs are used when submitting error reports to help the MeetBit team understand the root cause of errors.

Process ID

Each request is automatically tagged with a process ID. This is returned within the response headers as X-Process-ID.

X-Process-ID: iu2F35kj^vFH

Process ID

Request ID

If you wits to tag requests yourself, you may optionally include a X-Request-ID header in your request. This is also returned as part of the response headers (along with the pre-provided process ID).

POST /users
X-Request-ID: KJ3hg^k3md


Request ID

Reporting Errors

If you receive an unexpected error (see Responses for a list of common errors) or encounter an error that you don’t understand, we recommend that you file an error report through the Admin Panel.

Provide the request ID (if present) and process ID of the request that threw an error when filling out the error report form.

Please do not report 429 Too Many Requests and other common errors unless these are behaving incorrectly. For more information, see Rate Limiting and Responses.